Sunday 28 August 2016


i saw this word on a random lady's bag on the train. i'm on my way to meet my family for dinner, just like any other sunday evening of 2016.

seems like jc is the period for everyone to really live life. what the hell am i doing? whenever i'm free from the greatest commitment, there's always something that needs to be revised, new notes to print, planners to organize. i want to bake, go to the zoo, read the books collecting dust on my shelf, top up my indie-folk playlist, catch up on naps, eat buffets without a care in the world, stalk larry conspiracy theories and above all, go out with you. i miss you and the times we made an effort for each other, when we hid our flaws as a compromise. i miss the days when we hug as we part, that was always always always my favourite part - there was no other place where i felt so safe in. i miss that so much to the point that i almost regret telling you what i did that fateful day. because from then on, from that very moment i pushed you away, so many others seem so charmed by you. i watched the smile fall from your face as you turn away from her towards me. like i am a mere obligation, like i'm no longer interesting to you anymore. did i throw away the biggest opportunity of my life?

ask me to sing for you, any day, i will. where is our young love.

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