Sunday 28 August 2016

[Literature Paper 3] An introduction to Individual and Society

Individual and Society - Relationship and Interaction between Individual and Society

Study of Man in relation to community/people/constructs/institution/etc. (Relationship and Significance)
Is the individual dependent on society?
Is society dependent on the individual?
How important is this relationship in life?

Nature of Interaction
How is the interaction between Individual and Society regarded?
What are the dynamics of this interaction? [Power struggle]

Individual – Identity, role, purpose, place
Is identity, role, purpose, place defined by society?
How do they become defined and developed?

Limitations and/or possibilities an individual faces
To what extent does society influence these limitations and possibilities?
To what extent are they influenced by an individual’s decisions?

Conflicts, or lack thereof, between individual and environment
Influencing factors, Nature of Resolution, Outcomes, Significance of literary presentation

Man against Man/Nature/Technology/Supernatural/Self/Fate/Society

Individual – Societal expectations/Social roles shape and define individuals
➡ Gender, class, race, ideology, values, tradition, history, community
Culture – Practices, meaning, language, symbols
➡ Power – hierarchy, relations, structure
➡ Who has power over who?
Does Man go with the flow?
Individual is in a state of displacement, alienation, isolation and stasis.

Awakening on the Individual’s consciousness
Realization of role/purpose/expectation in society
Something more to their identity
Different Individuals have different reactions, thus there may be conflict with external forces

Individual on a journey (metaphor) of transformation & change
Do they find themselves?
➡ Can they live in Society?

Within self
➡ With other characters
With external forces
Real or Imagined conflicts

Conflict between Individual and Society
Individual have choices but Society has expectations
Individuals have expectations in which the society cannot conform to

Concepts relating to Individual and Society

Displacement and Rootedness

Isolation and Assimilation

Conformity and Difference
If you are part of Society, do you lose yourself?
What makes you different?

Duty and Desire
Can an Individual have his own choices?
➡ Or is the Individual bound to societal expectations?

Stasis and Change
Are you stuck in the same thing?
Is there assimilation to Society?

Appearance and Reality
➡ Are they part of Society as an appearance?
Or are they truly in Society?

Private and Public
How does the private individual function in the public sphere?
➡ Does he have to put up with lots of appearances to do so?

CONCEPT OF SOCIETY – What is the societal view in the text/theme?
Society (particular): New Orleans, Elysian Fields Neighbourhood, Belle Reve
Society (general): People, Place, Era (20th Century America), Behaviour, Ideas, Beliefs

American Dream – no matter who you are, you can make it big
Company – beauracratic (negative impact on indiv), hierarchical, organized ➡ characterizes a society!

Societal characteristics: Patriarchal, judgemental, energetic, volatile [NOT EXHAUSTIVE]
- Do Stanley and Mitch express some of these views? Note that Stan is not representative of the society.
- Does a character express societal views?

Society can ‘act’: Welcome, Accept, Judge, Expect, Alienate
This can be evaluated in relation to theme.
What does Society have to say about: Love, Marriage, Aging

The Society of New Orleans is lively and joyful. / The neighbourhod is of working class.
Society frowns upon promiscuity, espsecially women. / Society is patriarchal.

Concept of Individual
Individual (Particular): Blanche
Individual (General): An Indiv

An Indiv (in relation to Society) can:
- Support/Agree
- Be indifferent
- Avoid/Hide
- Disagree/Oppose
- Change
- Try to fit in

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