Sunday 4 September 2016

[SEA History] PD Stab/Instab (TS)

PD Means - What it did - Outcome (Indicator)

+ PD governments successfully prevented the eruption of large sale or violent labour unrest via the skilful cultivation of union-government relationships and dialogues, thus preserving the overall social order.

+ The accommodation for a variety of views helped in the management of diverse interests, thereby preventing racial tensions from disrupting social stability.

- The allowance of political competition opened up space for diverse political actors to exist, with divergent political interests resulting in constant changes in the composition of leadership.

- PD governments lacked the will to forcibly suppress political opposition, thereby paving the way for increased military intervention in politics, ultimately culminating into military takeovers of the government.

- The accommodation of minority interests under PD fuelled anger from the majority and culminated into ethnic riots, which resulted in structural changes of the political system to restore political stability.

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